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Ixinium | cryptographic hybrids with more properties

Ixinium | cryptographic hybrids with more properties



But this does not say, every development is faced with obstacles, not talking fully about their intentions. Or, what worked most effectively one or two years ago has nothing to do with the present.

the solution

Cryptocurrency is supported by precious metals, block transparency, and editable transactions. Check physical metals that are clear enough to testify to everyone, the structural structure of Ixinium 24/7 and market value, assessed by the importance of London by Lloyd in making Ixinium. In addition, except for any bank in the world, we can say that Ixinium is the solution.

ixinium will change your market

Ixinium’s vision is based on more than 4 years of study of fiat currencies. In this study, the main focus is to find the question “why”, regarding the safety of client investments, transparency for clients, client protection and the value structure of assets behind the actual product. After showing some problems, the Ixinium Project began to have a basic structure, what was missing from the market and how it worked. Ixinium’s vision is to provide cryptocurrency supported by decentralized and transparent assets, which are fully insured for replacement value.

The main elements of Ixinium are:

> 100% value based on physical precious metals.

Print and publish ixinium Cryptocurrency

Ixinium ICO presents the coming of the creation of XXA by “printing” and supporting coins made with precious metals. Ixinium uses the IXAT asset feeder token, to transfer physical precious metal values ​​to XXA digital coins. IXAT values ​​are 1: 1 to $ 1.00.

Ixinium ICO is sold, 100% of the funds are used for precious metals to support the price of Ixinium XXA

Ixinium, a crypto-financial hybrid, while Ixinium has a better mechanism for protecting client assets than can be offered by any bank in the world, the use of Ixinium cryptocurrency also creates value benefits for all users, while insured from full value.

Ixinium ICO is sold, 100% of the funds are used for precious metals to support the price of Ixinium XXA

1. Starting date: October 1, 2019


Ixinium cryptocurrency specifications:

Sales info

Ixinium ICO tokens for sale, 100% of the funds are used for precious metals to support the price of Ixinium XXA


The benefits you will get with IXINIUM

Low volatility is unlike most cryptocurrency. Establish an outcome mechanism to increase basic and market value. Packed by precious metals, not just lines of other cryptocurrency codes. Finance to market safe heaven products. Excellent value increases the effects of stock market crashes and global turmoil.



2014 Financial structure plan for 100% financial insurance products


Our expertise lies in providing the best blockchain based real estate and reliable products

The image results for the global property register
gl obal The Property Register is a decentralized ecosystem that provides the world  with the FIRST global blockchain register. We utilize blockchain technology to facilitate the registration of humanproperty  , especially in developing countries. The Global Property Register (GPR) is the FIRST universal real estate register that  will be global, covering developed and developing countries. This will provide proof of ownership for more than 4.5 billion people ($ 20trn  value) throughout the world which is currently unprotected and therefore cut off  from the real estate and financial markets.Secondly, it will also provide  global property exchanges. This platform will function as an international digital real estate market for all market participants. Third, analytical solutions and tools supported by artificial intelligence will be provided for owner properties  that enable them to make wise decisions and projections. Benefits of Blockchain and Listing of Property  Real estate is one of the most stable forms of investment and involves  a small amount of risk as an investment mechanism. The total value of global  real estate developed was more than 228 trillion USD, which is higher than the total global traded equity and securities debt instruments put together and in  2016, the global transaction volume reached around 661 billion USD. according to a Goldman Sach report (the Blockchain-putting Theory into Practice), blockchain use for real estate title insurance can be saved for between  $ 2-4bn in the US alone! Similar benefits can be increased in Europe and Asia. The  report also mentions the fact that blockchain property registers such as the likes of the  Global Property Register are not only tampering but can help significantly  reduce real estate fraud in emerging markets
Our vision for the future
A world where every homeowner is  able to increase the value of his  real estate (house or land).Property documents are safe and easily accessible.
Fraud of land and property was eliminated  especially in developing countries
Africa, Asia and South America.
Our mission for the future
We plan to achieve this with
1. Building a Global Property    List
2. Supported   analytical artificial intelligence  to support   owner property 
3. Building a social platform to    promote state adoption    of real estate art solutions
4. Build a blockchain property    exchanging places where people can buy    and sell property
Opportunities offered
There is no Property List in advance that currently exists in the world. We will be
  first mover
• More than 4.5 billion people do not have access to property listings
• We plan to capture 10% of the population in the next 5 years, which is 450   million
• Access to the system will be based on our XRX tokens
• Who knows what the value is in 5 years
Benefits – Developing Countries
(Whole world)
• Available for 70% of the world’s population (4.5 billion) in countries without
  register and hence the low level of property registration
• Open more than $ 20trn of property value in the easing of developing countries
  access to funds and inclusion in the financial system
• Reduction of mortgage interest (up to 100bps) saves more than $ 13.5 billion
  Only in Latin America
• Savings throughout the world can reach $ 50 billion
Benefits – Advanced World – Europe & US
• Reduction of rights insurance costs by up to 30% in the US (around $ 300 per
  belongs to)
• Similar or higher benefits in the UK & Europe
• All inclusive lists. In the UK for example property under £ 45,000 is
  not included
• Single list (currently fragmented and not uniform)
• Greater control for property owners
• Natural disaster area
GPR Growth Plan
Global Property Registration Application
After you enter our ecosystem, you  can manage everything. Anyone who has a smartphone and internet  connection can use our solution and upload  land or property in our universal blockchain list.
Our products
Our expertise lies in providing the best blockchain based real estate and reliable  products. Our experts understand the different requirements of  the real estate market and strive to provide the most effective solutions. We will  provide the following solutions.
Model Tokenisasi
Token Distribution
Budget allocation
After the completion of the XRX sale, the proceeds from the sale of XRX  will be allocated as described below:
  • Technology and platform development – 40%
  • Law and regulations – 15%
  • Operations and marketing – 30%
  • Business and other development – 15%
Issuance of Tokens
The token purchased will be allocated 30 days after the ICO
Pra-ICO Bonus
Contributions during Pre-ICO will receive + 40% Bonus.
Implication of Tokens
XRX Tokens offer limited real rights as stated in the XRX Token Sales  conditions and conditions.Tokens represent numbers assigned between the maximum total. This token is non-refundable. There are no promises of future performance or value  or will be made in connection with the XRX, including no promise of inherent value, no  promises to continue payments, and no guarantee that XRX tokens will do so.
hold a certain value. Tokens provide access to the ecosystem GPR solutions and can be traded  once registered on the stock exchange.
Each Contributor will receive an XRX Token when his KYC / AML verification is complete.
Our Commitment To Our Contributors
With your contribution to the Global Property Register, we will be on the right track to deliver  to the milestones on our road map. Until now, GPR has not missed any milestones. We have set aggressive milestones but can be achieved to ensure that the Global Property List is always developing
contact us for more information

Produktový protokol

Produktový protokol
Výsledek pro protokol ICO Product Protocol
Technologie Blockchain umožnila firmám začít vyvíjet aplikace, které využívají poskytování dat peer-to-peer a poskytují lepší flexibilitu a bezpečnost než stávající databázové systémy. . Dokonce i společnosti ve zdravotnictví identifikovaly potenciální úlohu, kterou mohou aplikace blockchainu provozovat ve svých zařízeních, jako je zvýšení efektivity, zlepšení bezpečnosti, snížení transakcí, přilákání pacientů a další faktory nezbytné pro jejich úspěch.
Kolik změnilo rychlost našeho života za posledních deset let. To, co děláme za 3-5 minut, se děje rychlostí světla. A každé zpoždění za pár minut se může zdát jako navždy, obzvláště akutní, když jste někde pozdě a opravdu potřebujete přepnout z bodu A do bodu B.
Všechno se mění. Změníme, změníme technologie, objekty a pomůcky, změní se počítače a mobilní operátoři. Nový bezpečně nahrazuje starý. A svět zároveň letí šíleným tempem a mění jednu sféru našich životů na jinou, nebo ji modernizuje novým a moderním způsobem.
Vzhledem k současné situaci finančních převodů na celém světě můžeme bezpečně říci, že v tradiční podobě, jak si pamatujeme, již nejsou relevantní. Protože existují další novější a lepší přenosové metody, jsou připraveny vyřešit všechny problémy, které v tomto směru existují.
První věc, kterou je třeba říci, je to, že produktový protokol je open source protokol pro kampaně crowdfundingu. Jedná se především o crowdfundingovou kampaň založenou na tokenizaci digitálních aktiv, integraci se všemi obchodními procesy, správou fondů a finančními operacemi.
Produktový protokol  je zaměřen na vytvoření platformy, která umožňuje podnikateli zaznamenávat svá aktiva a získávat prostředky na rozšiřování a rozvoj. 
Produktový protokol lze efektivně rozšiřovat a měnit bez jakýchkoliv hranic. Univerzální token vytvořený na ploše formuláře, který slouží k tokenizaci jakéhokoliv majetku, umožňuje rychle a pohodlně vytvořit libovolné aktivum. Decentralizovaný trh tak umožní lidem z celého světa, aby ji získali. Jedním slovem,  produktový protokol  je rychlý, jedinečný a inteligentní tokenizační engine.
Podívejme se, jak bude tok PPO distribuován: 
30% – marketing a první tokenizované produkty 
35% – rozvojový fond 
10% – plat, právní služby 
10% – technologická podpora 
15% – tým
Zvažte podrobnosti o crowdsale v kvantitativním vyjádření 65 000 000 
15 000 000 PPO – tým a partneři 
15 000 000 PPO – podpora platformy 
5 000 000 PPO – marketing a konzultanti




Na základě získaných dat a faktů je  produktový protokol  velmi vhodný pro kontrolu a investice. To je založeno na realitě prozatím, mnoho projektů není dobré a dělá každého, kdo investuje spoustu otázek o jejich jistotě a pravdě, takže pokud chcete investovat do tohoto projektu, měli byste si přečíst vše o článku, který jsem vytvořil. , takže se o nich můžete dozvědět více.

Možná právě tohle, recenze, které jsem učinil, pokud jde o pomoc a vyprávění všem, aby se účastnily kampaně ICO nebo Bounty, kterou dnes pořádají.

Pokud je v těchto informacích o kontrole nedostatek, prosím, odpusť mi za nepříjemnosti při čtení nebo hledání informací, ale nebojte se. jistě dostanete spolehlivé informace z týmu i zakladatele projektu.
Všechny informace v detailu naleznete na webových stránkách produktového protokolu projektu. Tam jsou také odkazy na všechny sociální sítě projektu, přes které můžete získat podrobně a včas zprávy a sledovat proces vývoje a zřízení platformy.
Ještě jednou vám děkujeme za čas, který jste si přečetli v tomto článku, a děkujeme vám za milionkrát za podporu produktového protokolu.
Pro více informací:
Webové stránky:
autor: Chubylaw




Dear reader, Just as my usual practice of bringing valuable and profitable information across your way, let me quickly give you information about this great innovation known as “Dayta”. Please sit down and relax your nerves as you read. Also, I encourage you not only to read, but also to take an important step as part of this great innovation.

All cryptocurrencies enthusiast know what is a Trezor, Nano Ledger and many more. For those who dont know what hardware wallet, hardware wallet is a special type of bitcoin and another platforms wallet which stores the user’s private keys in a secure hardware device. They have major advantages over standard software wallets such as :

private keys are often stored in a protected area of a microcontroller, and cannot be transferred out of the device in plaintext
immune to computer viruses that steal from software wallets
can be used securely and interactively, private keys never need to touch potentially vulnerable software
much of the time, the software is open source, allowing a user to validate the entire operation of the device

What is Dayta?
The Dayta platform is the future of personal data exchange, powered by DAYTA token. The Dayta vision is to solve multiple data protection, consent and privacy issues all at once, The team has designed a roadmap to build a secure, easy-to-use and robust personal information Dapp and exchange mechanism within an integrated, digital ecosystem. Our aim to ensure all participants from companies to users protect and profit from a unified personal information blockchain which will ensure efficient data audit and transparent smart contracts and agreements.
Why Dayta?
Profit from your Personal Data
Dayta enables Users to finally partake in the profits companies produce by using our data for marketing purposes, behaviour analysis and customer insight.
Blockchain Infrastructure
Users, Businesses and Miners hold independent but interrelated roles, Underpinned by the Dayta blockchain and managed through the DAYTA token.
GDPR & Data Protection
Dayta has a GDPR-ready design to ensure users can easily manage and profit from their data worldwide.
ICO Sale
DAYTA tokens will be available prior to the public sale for registered participants. Bonuses will apply for early contributors at varying % dependent on date and amounts. Private investors can negotiate larger bonuses on a case-by-case basis.
Token Name: DAYTA
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Investor Phase: Feb 2019 – Apr 2019
  • Number of tokens for sale: 1,500,000,000.00 DAYTA
  • Pre-ICO: May 01, 2019 (12:05 AM)
Tokens exchange rate:
  • 1 ETH = 33750 DAYTA, 1 BTC = 961200 DAYTA
  • 1 LTC = 14823 DAYTA, 1 DASH = 22005 DAYTA
  • ICO Public sale: May 11, 2019 (12:05 AM)
  • Acceptable currencies: ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH
  • Minimal transaction amount: 1 ETH/ 0.1 BTC/ 3 LTC /2 DASH
Token Distribution
  • Pre-ICO 30%
  • ICO 30%
  • Founders, Core Team, Advisors 20%
  • Partnership 10%
  • Reserved 5%
  • Bounty 5%
Sale Proceed Allocation
  • Engeneering 50%
  • Marketing 15%
  • Operations 15%
  • Bussiness Readlines 10%
  • Legal 5%
  • Security 5%
October 2018
Whitepaper Publication
December 2018
ICO Smart contract Development
January 2019
Private sale start
April 2019
Bounty Programme
May 2019
Pre-ICO Token Sale
June 2019
July 2019
Token Sale Distribution
Exchange Listing for peer to peer trading
September 2019
Agile engineering and product management start
October 2019
MVP for blockchain- integrated user app release
December 2019
Main network launch / customer and business on-boarding
January 2020
Business development and marketing strategy, business and customer enhancements and value add-services

If there is any shortage in this review information, please forgive me  for your inconvenience in reading or searching for Information, but do not worry I have provided a link you can visit, to find out more about the Dayta project, and surely you will get reliable Information from the team as well as the Founder of the Dayta project.

All information in great detail you can find on the website of the project Dayta There are also links to all social networks of the project, through which you can receive in detail and in time news and observe the process of development and establishment of the platform.

For More Information Click Link Bellow:


Wanneer technologie nieuwe markten betreedt, brengt dit ook verschillende problemen met zich mee. Problemen in de muziekindustrie, waar intellectueel eigendom niet effectief wordt beschermd, zijn in zicht. In de digitale wereld van 3D-afdruksjablonen is het nodig om niet dezelfde fouten te herhalen. Blockchain-technologie biedt u de mogelijkheid om slimme contracten te maken en juridische en technische problemen op te lossen.
Wanneer u een aankoop doet, wordt het contract meestal ondertekend en goedgekeurd door beide partijen. Regelingen die in een bepaalde vorm kunnen worden voorbereid, kunnen worden gemaakt; soms, zelfs zonder de toestemming van de notaris, kan het contract voldoende garanties bieden voor beide partijen. De situatie voor de productie van 3D-additieven verschilt enigszins. Soms is het moeilijk om een ​​product goed te keuren. Partijen kunnen zeggen: “Dat is niet wat ik wil.” Al deze problemen kunnen worden opgelost met slimme contracten van blockchain.
Blockchain-technologie biedt verschillende kansen. Van de eerste digitale illustraties tot de uiteindelijke producten, de hele productieketen gebruikt dit. De productie is dus vrij van de afhankelijkheid van economisch en financieel rijke centra. Individuen of bedrijven kunnen hun producten ontwerpen, aanpassen en produceren met behulp van het Erecoin-platform, waar ze zich ook in de geografie bevinden.
Doel van het project
De ontwikkelaars van ROCKZ zullen een betrouwbare binding van de virtuele valutawereld geven aan de $ 64000-economie, om manieren te bieden waarop winst wordt gemaakt, maar alle risico’s die verband houden met het werk van beurzen en tegenpartijen worden geëlimineerd.
Virtuele valuta RKZ worden uitgegeven door het bedrijf Alprockz silver, met het hoofdkantoor in Zug, Svizzera. Deze cryptocurrency wordt geleverd door een in elke van de meest vooraanstaande stabiele valuta’s binnen de munteenheid van de wereld.
Het is noodzakelijk op te merken dat negentig procent van de nationale monetaire eenheidsreserve ongebroken is in veilige stortingsdozen in de stijl van bankbiljetten. Op hetzelfde moment worden de resterende tien pc’s afgerekend op de deposito’s van de belangrijkste betrouwbare Zwitserse bankinstellingen, waardoor een voortdurende stijging binnen de prijs van de virtuele valuta wordt gegarandeerd.
Het is ook waardevol om er rekening mee te houden dat alle reserves worden aangehouden onder de voorwaarden van een vertrouwensmandaat. dit geeft houders van RKZ-tokens, zelfs in geval van faillissement van de uitgevende instelling, de mogelijkheid om toegang te krijgen tot enactment funds bij Zwitserse banken.
ROCKZ kan een platform zijn dat goed is ingeburgerd om oplossingen te creëren voor de huidige zwakheid die binnen de cryptosfeer bekend is. Deze kunnen de afwezigheid van een betrouwbaar associate degreechor omarmen binnen de oude economie – associatieve benadering van boekranden terwijl tot nu toe in crypto blijft; een aanpak om om te gaan met tegenpartij-, beveiligings- en marktrisico’s. Institutionele beleggers, bijvoorbeeld fondsen, verzekeringsinstellingen of pensioenfondsen, kunnen deelnemen aan deze nieuwe kwaliteitscategorie, die een decor heeft met oude ondernemingen.
Het ROCKZ-uitgiftebedrijf staat beleggers en makelaars toe om hun belangrijkste crypto-valuta tegen een ROCKZ te verhandelen. voor elke uitgegeven ROCKZ is één frank (CHF) controle door het ROCKZ-uitgiftebedrijf voor de registratie van de munthouders. Het ROCKZ-uitgiftebedrijf biedt tot negentigste van zijn winkels in Zwitserse frank (de reserves) in fysieke papieren vorm (dat wil zeggen bankbiljetten) die oppervlakte-eenheid bespaard in hoogbeveiligde Zwitserse bergbunkers en -vensters. Het verblijf van 100% is controle met volledig verschillende Zwitserse banken om een ​​korte bereikbaarheid van nationale franken te garanderen. ROCKZ is krachtig en behendig.
ROCKZ centreert de CHF niet alleen vanwege de belangrijke taak waar Sviz Zera aan deelneemt binnen de verbetering van crypto-valuta’s, hoewel aanvankelijk in het licht van het feit dat de CHF een echte verzekering biedt tegen inflatie en devaluatie. in de loop van de meest recente recente vijftig jaar heeft de Amerikaanse dollar (USD) achtenzeventig van zijn incentive verloren aan de CHF. niettemin, zodra de CHF negatieve leenprijzen betaalt, is het geld in prijs gestegen. Als het ware was CHF, vanaf kort geleden, de Bitcoin van de standaardmarkten: het geld van een klein land met een beperkt aanbod.
Data en details van de ICO
De ontwikkelaars zullen honderdvijfenzeventig miljoen APZ onheils leggen. Openbare verkoop is gepland voor het eerste kwartaal van 2019. de prijs van de eerste APZ is nul.60 CHF.
Hardcap-project – drieënvijftig,55 miljoen CHF.
De verdeling van tokens en fondsen is als volgt:
Officiële bronnen van het Rockz-project:
auteur: Chubylaw